Zooflagellates and Ciliates

We are gonna discuss about animal like protists here which include Zooflagellates and Ciliates. first of all we will know about Zooflagellates.


Habitat: They live as free living organisms, sometimes as symbionts or parasites.

Body form/ Structure: They are found in unicellular as well as colonial forms. their body form may be spherical or elongated with only a central nucleus.

Nutrition: They ingest living or dead decaying organisms. Some of them can also absorb dead decomposing organic material. 
Examples involve trichonymphas, trypanosoma, and choanoflagellates. for further details click on the following link;


Pellicle: Flexible outer covering that gives definite shape but changeable. They are unicellular organisms.

Locomotion: They show ciliary movements. For example paramecium is a ciliate. some may be sessile and remain attached to their substrates. They also have cilia but for water currents to get nutrients. For exmaple stentor is a sessile ciliate.

Nutrition: feed on bacteria and small protists.

For further details you can click on the link where you can find about micronucleus, macronucleus and their roles, contractile vacuole and its function in the cell, 

Conjugation: It's a way of sexual reproduction in which two individuals will come closer and exchange genetic material.

In case of any query contact: mhsbios.hannan@gmail.com 


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