Phylum Euglenophyta

Slides are available in the link given below!

Phylum Euglenophyta

  • It's a very small Phylum of Kingdom protista consisting of of unicellular aquatic algae
  • Many of protists show resemblances with plants as well as with animals
  • They live in freshwater and may have flagella which makes them motile
  • The organisms included in this phylum are called euglenoids, euglenozoa and euglenophytes


It is a freshwater phytomastigophorean. It has the following characteristics.

  • Nutrition: Each chloroplast has a pyrenoid. It synthesizes and stores polysaccharides (Autotrophic).  OR 
  • euglenoids feed by absorption in darkness and lose there green colour (Saprophytic or saprozooic).  OR 
  • some euglenoids (peranema) lack chloroplasts (Heterotrophic).
  • Stigma (a pigment shield): euglena orients towards light of certain intensities. Pigment shield stigma covers of photoreceptor at the base of the flagellum. It allows light to strike the photoreceptor from only one direction. Thus euglena orients and moves in relation to a light source. 

  • Locomotion: They have flagella. Two types of locomotion can be seen in euglena. 1) Flagellar 2) euglenoid

Habitat and habit

  • Euglena viridis is solitary and the live freely in freshwater
  • In freshwater pools, slowly running streams and ditches we can see these organisms
  • Any place where we can find considerable amount of vegetation is the mark of of euglena viridis
  • abundance

Movement by flagella

  • Flagella are projections which arise from the the outer membrane and are thread like
  • It moves like a whip lash
  • Flagellum shows a series of of lateral movements
  • This movement of flagellum exerts a pressure on the water at right angles to its surface
  • 10 the movement is produced.
  • The other type of movement it is called metaboly in which the euglena shows a specific slow
  • wriggle movement that is triggered by peristaltic wave of contraction and expansion


  • It reproduces asexually. There isn't any sign of sexual reproduction. The reproduction is longitudinal and occurs through binary fission or multiple fission. Euglenoid flagellates are haploid.

For further details you can tap the link given below for slides. Everything with diagrams is given in that link. Thank you for reading!

Publisher name: Muhammad Hannan Sharif

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