Do you know how the geologists trace the oil deposits? Obviously, the answer is one click away!!! FORAMINIFERANS: subphylum Actinopoda

 Phylum Sarcomastigophora

Subphylum Actinopoda:

Foraminiferans; hole bearers meaning that their shells have multiple chambers
  • Commonly called foratus.

  • Single-celled organisms (unicellular eukaryotes).

  • A marine group of amoeba

  • They possess reticulopods.

  • They secrete a test of calcium carbonate. The test is an external shell that is of various forms and compositions.

  • They are benthic or planktonic. (Benthic; Living on or within the seafloor sediments)

  • Live in the upper 50m of the ocean

  • Foraminiferans grow to secrete new larger chambers. Chambers remains attached to the older Chambers. Therefore, the test enlargement follows a symmetrical pattern. It may form two types of Chambers:

  1. Straight chain of Chambers
  2. The spiral arrangement that resembles a snail shell



  • Many of these tests become relatively large. For example mermaids pennies. It is several centimeters in diameter. It is found in Australia.
  • They move by pseudopodia. gametis have 2 flagella. Alternate between haploid and diploid forms.

  • Some are heterotrophic feeding on other small organisms (copepods, diatoms), or phytodetritus.

  • Show symbiotic relationship with algae whereas some are kleptoplastic (retaining chloroplasts).

  • A few are parasitic that can infect molluscs, sponges, and corals.


Importance of foraminiferans

    • The abundance of their tests in the Fossil record of the Cambrian period (600 MYA)
    • A large component of marine sediments is comprised of foraminifera.
    • Their test deposits are found on the ocean floors (e.g, limestone and chalk deposits). For example, the white cliffs of Dover in England contain the huge chalk deposits
    • The presence of fossilized forums is an identification of geologic strata having oil deposits (a clue for geologists).
      The white cliffs of Dover, England

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    Publisher Name: Muhammad Hannan Sharif
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